Friday, September 27, 2019

Book Review: A Risk Worth Taking

Back when my mother was a reader, she loved Rosamunde Pilcher's books. I attempted a short story collection, Flowers in the Rain & Other Stories, but struggled with endless distractions from my boys. I still plan to try September. When I recognized the Pilcher name, this time her son Robin, I gave this audio book a chance. I think the storytelling was good, the characters genuine, and the pacing sound.

In A Risk Worth Taking, Dan Porter is seeking direction in life after losing his job. His marriage is suffering and his teenaged children are distant. Then he reads an article about a clothing company in Scotland planning to sell. Although he is too late to buy the company, the owner's husband offers him a temporary job. Joined by his son, Dan forges a new path and takes a risk to redefine his existence.

It was easy to become engrossed in the tale. My only complaint is that it seemed to wink at infidelity. But, it held my attention and presented believable characters and dilemmas. I would venture forth with another book by this author. I shall have to see if my library has any more audio books by Robin Pilcher.

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