Thursday, January 23, 2025

Book Review: This Must Be the Place

Sara Brunsvold recommended This Must Be the Place by Jami Nato. Sara's words were a siren song to me: "It’s the kind of book that you have to sit with. And it’s the kind of book that will always guide you from dark places back to laughter and hope." She offered a warning about the mild use of profanity, but I was game to see how my own bread crumbs in life lead me back to the purpose for which God has formed me.

Sometimes, things in our lives seem incongruent with God's plan. We think to ourselves, as Jami did, "Surely God couldn't want marital infidelity! Divorce can't be within God's plan." Or my question, "How could God allow a broken leg and the prescription for opioids?" Descent into addiction must be a departure from God's will and plan. Right? It would be wonderful if we could always say with certainty that God's will  is only for good paths and not bad ones. Jami Nato is not saying God causes marital infidelity, divorce, opioid use, addiction, or any other trial we encounter, as His divine will. Only that God allows these negative blips in our life stories to shape and form us into exactly who He wants us to be. If we trace the paths we have crossed, we often come to see a vision and purpose that God is shaping us for within those negative influences.

Jami Nato wants us to see that our past, present, and future can serve as a compass. She suggests a deep look at where God has been, where He is, and where He is going before you. As I reiterated to my prodigal son after listening to this book, "Nothing is an accident! Every positive and negative in your life is leading to God's gifting you in perfect ways for the ministry He desires you to fulfill." I wanted to go back into the e-book version so I could answer the questions provided at the end of each chapter and chart out a deeper understanding of what God might shape me to do. As I've said before, our God wastes nothing! He will take what looks like the worst thing (I'm remembering that minor story in The Wright Brothers) and turn it into the best thing to mold you for His purpose.

Content caution: 📒 - language

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