But, you know it is really bad when I find myself wanting to take a picture of the pathetic, old, $20 digital camera I bought from iConcepts with a rebate from Office Depot, or Office Max. Today, I actually pulled it out of the computer cabinet, hoping to see if I could get it to work. My ES saw it on the computer desk, picked it up and said, "this is the biggest joke of a camera I've ever seen." It weighs about as much as a pencil.
For Parent's Day Out/preschool today, they had their Harvest Costume Party. MS decided to wear his Batman costume. Here's an old photo. This was a $1 steal at a garage sale. He paired it with a $3 mask from Walmart and black stretch gloves (he was pining for a black version of the elbow length women's gloves he likes to wear with the Power Ranger costume).
A few days ago, I was sweating it a bit, because he declared he was going to be a snake for Halloween, and not just any snake - a Black Mamba. I thought I could swing it by putting together a black top and black sweatpants with black makeup on his face and red around his eyes. Alas, he insisted on checking the computer to see what a black mamba looks like. A black mamba isn't even black. Go figure!
We picked out a Mickey Mouse fireman costume for YS. This was a beautiful hand-me-down (a Disney store purchase, I think) from Aunt Bernie. YS happily wore it last night and said "be Mickey." But, today, he wouldn't wear it for the party. MS was actually jealous because YS was wearing an Old Navy Halloween shirt with a werewolf, which no longer fits MS.
Of course, it would have been splendid if I had used my two hours away from them to head to a store and purchase a new digital. Alas, instead, I headed to K-mart and wasted a whole hour. I only intended to buy a particular pair of shoes from the sale ad, but they only had one in the size and color I wanted, and it had a huge scuff mark on the toe of the shoe. I ended up buying a clearanced pair of summer slip-ons for MS - covered with spiders and spider-webs. Perfect!
At least I was able to help another shopper. She asked my assistance (no, I wasn't dressed like a K-mart worker for Halloween) when I was in the infant section checking diaper prices. She wanted to buy newborn diapers for a woman in her church. I was able to help her find them and even supplied a coupon, since I never buy Pampers, but always clip the Pampers coupon, just in case the sale is overwhelmingly good. By the time, I returned home, I had just enough time to eat a late breakfast and whip up a small batch of worms and dirt to take to the school's party.
If worse comes to worse tomorrow, I will attempt to take a picture with ES's cell phone and figure out how to get it from there to the computer (that, or just ask ES to do that - kids seem to know how to figure out anything technological). Maybe, I'll have him take a picture of the worthless digital I foolishly hung on to. For what, sentimental reasons?? Actually, I think I remember hanging on to it, "in case my newer, more expensive camera ever fails."
1 comment:
Wendy, go buy yourself a disposable camera in the meantime, so that you don't miss these childhood moments!! I hope you find a digital replacement soon so that you can load more photos on your site. I always love seeing the pictures of your family! And, by the way, congratulations to you for getting some good use out of your bargain camera. ~Karin
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