Harley celebrated his first birthday towards the end of February. Even though he couldn't have any, I made a cake to celebrate his special day. If hubby isn't eager to celebrate Harley, he is always eager to eat cake (hee-hee), especially if I make homemade buttercream icing for it.
This icing was actually intended for something else. ES had an interesting assignment in his health class. He had to bake or build a project to explain some health topic. I know it will come as no surprise that my pyromaniac chose burns. So we (ha-ha, I) made hand shaped cookies and layered them in 3s. He found some super horrifying pictures on the Internet to accompany the baked illustration of burns. We frosted the cookies so that the most severe burn had each cookie layer covered in frosting and the top was bright red with blisters of white and brown.

It was cool and disgusting all at the same time. Just the way boys like it.
Thus the leftover frosting seemed destined for a cake for our dog. (I am realizing that this photo makes the frosting appear orange. It was a vivid red.)

To be honest, the dog has been growing even more annoying of late, because his nails have become as sharp as knives. He has ripped three or four shirts by jumping up and both hubby and MS bear scars from his attacks when they were shirtless. The only time I tried to trim his nails, I drew blood and I haven't attempted it since.
Thus, when hubby showed me three large gashes on his back, I succumbed to the inevitable and scheduled Harley for a grooming session. I was feeling quite reluctant. If we are going to get rid of this dog, do I really want to blow $70 to get him groomed??? As Cardiogirl likes to say, I'm as cheap as a monkey!
Here is how our shaggy dog was looking on Thursday morning:

When I dropped him off, they gave me his pick-up time ... 7 hours later! It was an amazing feeling to return home without the dog, to spend an afternoon not cleaning the dog's paws or wiping down his leash (hubby is very fastidious and these things make the dog job extra stressful), and not worrying about begging or barking while we enjoyed our meals.
And here is what Harley looks like now:

What a profile!

Don't you love his bandana?

He's as soft as a sheep!

As ES puts it, "it seems like he's not as much of a pain since he's been groomed." Of course, I realize it is merely that he looks pretty now. Still, his paws don't bring in nearly as much filth and no tears from constant scratches these days either. Hubby wants me to select one of these photos and post an ad in the nearby pet store. Which of those photos says "You know you want to buy me~!~"?
I like the third one after the grooming. He seems alert and attentive, like he'd follow every command you gave him.
I have to say I'm surprised your husband wants to get rid of him since I thought he was the one who said a boy needs a dog. Didn't he?
I like the third one too.
The nails are a struggle for dogs that don't spend a lot of time outside. When I try to trim nails is when I truly want to punt my dogs across the room. Truly.
I've drawn blood a couple of times, it happens. Look under his nails, I'm assuming he doesn't have black nails like mine do. You should be able to see the quick, and make a mark on top of the nail because the less you trim the nails, the longer the quick gets. Vicious cycle.
He couldn't have cake? And it's getting warm, send the boys outside with a frisbee, rope, ball, sticks, whatever and wear that dog out...and the boys too.
CG - Yes, hubby was fully on board when we contemplated the purchase, and he grew up with poodles (miniature, not standard - so the size could be part of it, as well). However, if there is anyone this dog annoys most ... it would be my husband. He follows him everywhere, jumps and wants to play constantly. Hubby literally cannot get away from him some evenings and that drives hubby insane.
Liz - Hopefully, we will all be able to get outside more often soon. Just yesterday, I asked MS to take Harley out and hook him on his chain. Instead, that boy ran all around the meadow with the dog. It was excellent exercise for the both of them. Can't wait till they can be outside throwing sticks for him to catch. Plus, we DO need to get him in obedience classes.
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