One of the things I had purchased, but hadn't really had opportunity to use (since it would only be eaten by hubby and I) was a spinach strudel. It was fantastic! I served it with spaghetti and strawberries. The boys wouldn't try it, but my parents enjoyed it.
Well over a year ago, I had purchased a new item that I noticed at Aldi - chocolate croissants.

Immediately, my mind was transported back to my days in Paris, when I would stop at the local patisseries to sample their pan du chocolat (not sure why when I google this now, the word is usually spelled pain au chocolat?? - pain and chocolate, simply cannot go together unless it is a scenario where I am in great pain and must therefore ingest chocolate~!~).
Since the box was only $3 and contained four croissants, I figured it to be quite the bargain. Time after time, I considered making them, but didn't think anyone else in my household would try them. Then, they got old. When I had company, I couldn't bring myself to prepare them for fear they might not actually still taste good.
Last night, however, I decided to bite the bullet. I placed the four frozen croissants on my cookie tray and left them out overnight to rise. This morning, I whipped up one egg and brushed each croissant, then baked them for the required 20 minutes.

Compared to what I remember in France, it was "meh," at best. Of course, it didn't help that the "use by date" was back in February. Can I really fault them for the second rate quality when I allowed the product to sit in my freezer for far too long?
I guess what really got me was when I glanced at the nutrition facts. I had already tossed the remaining whipped egg into a pan for a mini omelet. Then, I ate one croissant. That one croissant, average at best, just zapped 65% of my daily recommendation for saturated fat. I feel as if I shouldn't eat another bite for the rest of the day (I did have a small bowl of oatmeal with a banana for lunch and I hope to ride the Airdyne cycle for a half hour this afternoon).
If you are fortunate enough to have other family members who will assist you in consuming the croissants and who will not mind the incredible saturated fat toll, and if you are fortunate enough to have an Aldi nearby and happen upon the boxes of said croissants ... then, by all means, snatch them up and prepare them at your earliest convenience. Also, feel free to invite me over.
I suppose, if I am in the mood for a chocolate croissant from now on, it would be better to merely pay a bit under $2 and purchase one at Panera Bread. Then again, that is highly unlikely since the best time to eat a chocolate croissant is for breakfast and the nearest Panera Bread is out past the Aldi.
The only alternative must then be ... a trip to Paris. It is the only way! I will just have to start saving pennies found on the street until I have enough to finance a trip to the home of real and true pan du chocolat. I may be eighty by then, but it will be heavenly! If you begin saving your pennies found on the street, perhaps you would like to go with me??
P.S. It appears that I could find french chocolate croissants in the Broad Ripple area of Indianapolis at a place called Rene's Bakery. Now to find someone who wants to meet me there for breakfast on a morning when my husband can keep an eye on the little boys. I would still enjoy a trip to Paris, though.
Oh I just love your new background!
I thought you were kidding when you wrote "Broad Ripple area." As in, this is a rural area with not much in it, it doesn't even create a ripple much less a broad one.
But when I clicked the link I realized I was wrong. Huh. Me. Wrong. Go figure.
CG - Thanks! I'm loving it too. Once I'm not tied down to small children, I think I will really enjoy exploring the Indianapolis area more. The Broad Ripple area is very nice ... very artsy!
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