Thursday, March 28, 2013

Book Review: On Becoming a Writer

Thanks to my new on-line writer's group, I received word that this book, On Becoming a Writer: What Every Blogger Needs to Know, by Denise J. Hughes, would be available for free on Amazon for two days.  I have been asked to teach a class on blogging at my sister-in-law's women's retreat in May.  This resource was helpful in gathering some thoughts on the art of blogging.

First, the author addresses the purposes for blogging: to encourage, entertain, inform, or persuade.  She highlights the importance of knowing why you blog.  Next, she gives suggestions on what to blog (write what you are passionate about - for me, that is books).  Finally, you must know who you are writing for (your intended audience).  Once you have these essentials down, you can begin to focus on the writing craft itself.

You have to show up and practice your art in order to get better.  You must provide concrete example that the reader can understand and relate to.  You should engage the reader with a hook.  Plus, it is helpful to go back over your writing and cut what is unnecessary or whatever detracts from the clarity of your focus.  Twitter is helpful in this, for as the author says, "If we can summarize our article in 140 characters, then we know the article has a focus."

I loved how she clarified the three characteristics of good writing: 1) connection, 2) contribution (must contribute something positive to the reader's life), and 3) clarity.  Good writers tend to write to their strengths.  They also worry more about content than design.  Finally, they wield their pen with truth and grace and criticize with objectivity.  This is most important if you are writing a blog full of reviews.

I would have to say this was some "good writing." I felt connected to the topic, it contributed to my understanding of the blogging process, and it was written in a clear way with coherent organization.  While none of her points were necessarily new to me (having read many books on writing), the author provided a great reference point for individuals who are interested in starting a blog or improving their blogging abilities.

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