Once I finally got YS down for a nap, MS and I headed outside. I knew that MS would immediately go to the bushes to look for the snake. At first, we didn't see anything.
Personally, I think MS willed that snake to come out of hiding because he loves snakes so much. Next thing I knew, MS was beckoning me to come see the snake. Sure enough, it was the same one. I went inside for the camera, but again, the snake disappeared.
All told, I think it popped its head out four or five times while we were out there. I swear I had to hold MS back from trying to reach his hand into the bush to catch it for himself.
Here are the photos I "snapped" (no, we didn't snap him up or hold him):
My husband says it is merely a garter snake. I guess now MS has his pet snake without any permission from me.
As for the birds, they are indeed sitting on the nest regularly. We are fairly certain they are laying a second batch of eggs (we've never seen that before; although, they do always build a nest in this location every year). I'm so thankful that I'm not a bird. Can you imagine having four little babies and then turning around three weeks later and starting the whole process again?? Then again, momma birdies are done with their child-rearing gig pretty quickly. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. Wait a minute! They EAT WORMS. Ugh! I guess I'll stick with my Skinny Cow Ice Cream treats and my 18 year child-rearing gig (per child).
Well to me, a snake is a snake and yuck!! Hopefully he will find a new place to live.
At least your pet snake's home is outside. I have trained my boys to be squeamish around bugs and creepy crawly things. Not on purpose, but, thankfully, none of them is innately interested in them either. Yuck!
Kaci - snakes terrify me and thrill him. Thankfully, we haven't seen it again and hubby is guessing MS scared it away with all his poking in the bushes.
Lucy - yes, if he has to have a snake, how convenient for it to be wild and outside, where we don't even have to be responsible to feed it. You should see this kid hold spiders, frogs, etc, on his hands and arms. I just say, "Keep 'em away from me!"
Looks like you've had as much excitement with snakes as I've had lately (snakes AND spiders on my photo blog).
I did check out cardiogirl.net and her comment format. Pretty awesome! I'm not sure which format I'm going to ultimately choose to use on my blog -- probably just continue using a combination of email and commenting on other's blogs!
Oz Girl - I always do love to hop over and check another person's blog. Oh my, those snakes and spiders of yours were LARGE and SCARY!
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