So, here are the long-awaited photos of the coral snake cake which MS requested for his birthday. I was fairly disappointed with how it turned out and would love to try it again (perhaps next year he'll still be interested in snakes). First off, it called for two cakes in bundt pans. I made one vanilla and one chocolate, but because I rushed through the frosting task, you could sort of see through to the different bits of cake color. Plus, two cakes is WAY TOO MUCH for our small family of five. We ended up throwing half of it out, even though I tried freezing some of it.
I think, if I attempt this again, I will do things differently. I will only prepare one batch of cake batter and will fill the bundt pan with half of the batter (don't know if this will make it too flat, but as it was, it was very large and round). Next time, I would approach the frosting differently as well. To save time, I chose to use my larger Tupperware frosting tips. It did save time, but the cake ended up looking like a furry caterpillar instead of a snake.
Still, MS loved it and that is what matters. And, yah-rah, I managed to retain pictures of the cake for posterity. I am adding in a photo of YS, moments before he stealthily snitched the camera and placed it in the sandbox. With an adorable face like that, I couldn't be mad at him. Hey, he knew I really wanted to have a camera with sound accompanying my videos!
First I have to gush on your son. Look how cute he is! Cutie!
Okay, your snake cake looks great in that picture. The frosting looks good to me; I wouldn't turn down a piece of that cake!
And great idea from Amy on the card reader. I didn't even know that type of thing existed.
Well done!
And lastly, I'm sad to say that my family of five could have blown through those two bundt cakes, I'm sure of it (cringes). What can I say? I like cake.
Oh that is wonderful news. I'm sure you are just on cloud nine. I'm just now playing catch up. Thank you for your lovely comments while Carson was in the hospital. Just knowing he had so many people praying for him was a peaceful feeling.
So glad the card reader worked for you! I think everyone needs one, but not many people know about them! And, the cake is SO CUTE! Well done!!!
CG - Cutie, but getting quite headstrong now that he can verbalize more.
The answer then, is that the next time I make this cake, I should still make two cakes, but be sure to have guests (wanna come next year?)
Kaci - Glad things went well with the hospital visit. Prayer support does really boost a family when they are facing medical issues and uncertainty.
Amy - Thanks again for the card reader suggestion. It was so fun to see the pictures and videos of MS's birthday, after a month.
Love, love, love the snake cake!! Don't for a second question your abilities!! Glad you were able to salvage your photos on your old camera, too!! ~Karin
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