Saturday, August 10, 2019

Gilmore Girls' Night Out

What a treat! My CBLI friend, Brenna Lee, posted an invitation to join her for a Gilmore Girls trivia night competition at the Stacked Pickle. Despite Bryce coming into town that night for the weekend, I jumped at the chance. There were four of us, two CBLI friends and one music camp friend. We gave ourselves a team name of "Oy, with the poodles already!" How fun to sit with other Gilmore Girls fans and attempt to answer the often obscure questions about the show (we truly puzzled over things like "name the item Luke purchased at the town garage sale" and "what fake names did Rory and Lorelei use while wandering Harvard?") I can't say I was a tremendous help to our team, but I did carry us through a few questions and confirmed several suggestions by the others.

We can't complain - out of roughly seven or eight teams, we took second place and won a gift certificate for $15 - inspiration enough to make us venture out together again (although, since I watch few shows, I doubt I'd be able to help any other categories or themes).

Still, if you're looking for a fun girls' night out activity, I highly recommend the trivia nights at the Stacked Pickle (their themes are things like Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, The Office, Parks and Recreation, etc.). It is pure fun - no pressure in front of others or anything. We sat at a table, with a stack of note cards and simply wrote out the answers to the questions as they were read, turning them in after every five questions for a point tally. Even if we hadn't placed, it still would have been a fun night.

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