So, what makes my travel sewing kit so special? It was made just for me. I believe it was a gift from my sister-in-law, Becky, for participating in their wedding, back in the summer of 1989. I have used it faithfully, ever since. Proof positive that I use it often? I have lost the small scissors which are usually found in the right hand pocket. (I know that I take this sewing kit with me to CBLI each year. I haven't seen it since then, so perhaps it was misplaced in the travel toiletries or such.) The left hand pocket contains a measuring tape and a seam ripper. The kit doesn't close perfectly anymore, because it is usually chock full of scraps of embroidery thread from various cross-stitching projects. It is definitely a well-loved item.
These photos are, again, horrible, but at least I was able to get them from the camera. I dropped the camera after taking these photos and the lens wouldn't close. I was having dejavu and praying that I wouldn't be camera shopping again so soon. Thankfully, with a bit of fiddling, I was able to get it functioning again. Whew!
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