A little girl stood near the boys the whole time, fascinated with their antics (such as, crawling around and under the chairs, playing with their special toys, jumping off the chair, crying and saying loudly "Don't pinch my jeans, Mommy!" - that was YS).
After MS tried to introduce her to his dog, she asked me why they didn't have a REAL dog. I tried to quietly explain that I have my hands full with them. They will get a real dog when they are older. Then, she offered MS one of her own dogs for the total sum of $1.00! Believe me, he was game! I had to explain to him later that she most certainly did not have her Mommy's permission to sell their dog for $1.00.
I have mentioned before, how impressed I am with ES's wrestling coach. He is firm, but loving. He was completely understanding of ES's stomach issues and yet acknowledged that he wasn't about to go easy on him during practices, for the morale of the whole team. When a member of the team brings the team down in any way, the entire team works extra hard at the next practice, thanking the responsible (or shall we say, irresponsible) teammate.
This evening, at the end of the ceremony, the coach teared up as he described how much he appreciates working with these boys. He also informed the parents, while apologizing if this offended anyone, that before every meet, they huddle and say a prayer. Then, he called all of the 8th grade wrestlers up to the front. He invited all who were interested to join him in praying a prayer of send-off for those 8th grade wrestlers. To watch my ES in the huddle, with his arm on another player's shoulder was truly a blessed sight. The coach even offered his assistance to any parent having difficulty with one of his players (hmm, I might have to take him up on that one day).
I also learned that ES has a nickname. Apparently, he was christened with the nickname "Sunshine" at the start of the season last year. It must be his blond hair and his cheery disposition!
Here is a photo of MS and his dog. He calls him Max and carries him everywhere now. I am really quite grateful for this new attachment, since previously his strong attachment object was a wrapped mummy decoration from our Halloween boxes. One day, I allowed him to take his best friend, the mummy, with him to the park. Another mother just couldn't get over it. She came over two or three times to discuss the attachment object. Of course, it is made more humorous because as he swung the mummy in the swings, the mummy's head came off. This didn't seem to distress MS in the slightest. The other mother commented, "I suppose it is just like an American Girl doll."
"If, perhaps, less pretty," I added!
Will the coach still be around when my MS and YS get to middle school? I sure hope so. If he is, I'm guessing they'll find some interesting nicknames for my middle son, no?
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