Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Loose Tooth to Entrepreneur in One Week

Sold to Mom to the tune of $1.00!

MS has discovered another passion. He has been making books and art. Not just any books or art, mind you, but pop-up books and art.

As I picked him up from preschool today, his new teacher said, "Man, this boy loves art. He wanted to spend the whole morning making crafts. He even wanted me to help him make a pyramid on the paper. Does he have an older brother?" (Sadly, his old teacher, who could attest to the boy's love of all things related to tape, glue, paper, paint, etc., moved to FL two weeks ago.)

I explained that he did, indeed, have an older brother, but I was quite sure he didn't get any of his artistic passion or creativity from watching his brother (who spends most of his time annoying MS with endless nicknames or playing the drums). She did get a good chuckle over the fact that we have gone through six rolls of Scotch tape since the new year, thanks to MS's passion for art. Thankfully, those were rolls I had managed to snag for free from Walgreens!

This afternoon, he created the above masterpiece. I know my photos don't do it justice, (especially given the fact that he chose to use a yellow marker!) but it is midnight and I'm throwing this post together rather haphazardly. When I asked for his explanation, he informed me that it was a scarecrow, two mummies, and Spiderman, walking in a field. Then, he looked up and said, "You want to buy it from me for $1.00?"

Who could turn down their own son's art? Did Picasso's mother finance his budding art at a young age?

I remember ES going through a phase like this when he was in kindergarten or first grade. He would draw a page full of pictures and give them prices of 10 cents to a dollar. He said he was selling tattoos. Boy, he hit the jackpot with us. Although, I often agreed only on the condition that the tattoo be positioned on my belly, or some other place I thought co-workers wouldn't discover it! (This wasn't as easy as it sounds, since part of my job included taking my assigned students for group swimming twice a week, during that year!)

I doubt you can read what he wrote at the bottom. It says, "FR DAD AD MOM FAM T------," which translates, "For Dad and Mom, from T----." He's gonna fill that wallet, I think!

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