How can I complain when he's turning out sculptures like this (one is obviously a spider, the other he declares to be a bug box):
After many futile attempts to snap a self-portrait (to update my profile), I have decided that I should merely hire MS to draw my portrait. It couldn't possibly turn out worse than this (and I doubt he'd give me double chins!):
If only he could allow some of his father's obsessions (cleanliness and death to clutter) to rub off onto him, we might survive. At this point, it looks doubtful. Hubby has provided MS with a box and informed him that all of his art (and any paper he intends to use again) must be housed in this box or it will be thrown into the recycling bag. I'm thinking we need to remodel our home, so as to provide the child with his own studio. Yet, he still insists that when he grows up, he's going to be Spiderman! Oh Spiderman, save me from the clutter that is your art!
Boy he's very creative. We haven't gotten into any kind of 3-D art and I don't expect us to. But as you mentioned it does beg the question of where to put everything.
I guess I would have to rely on the photos again. It would be fun to see his portrait of you next to a photo of you. But really I think you are your own worst critic.
That photo is great and it's nice to put a face to the writer. But don't expect to see that from me.
Hi Wendy,
You really should start a garage sale blog! I love looking at other peoples posts on what they see.
Victoria xx
Oh my. This looks SO familiar. Daughter did this. Son is so fastidious that you have to look with a microscope for his art-droppings. He uses all the little pieces on other things.
Love MS's creativity! I'm picturing this frantically artistic person taking over your dining room! You look great Wendy!
CG - Be looking for your own collection of MS art in the mail soon. When he learned that you wanted him to do a portrait of me to place by my photo, he has been a buzz of activity all day and insists that it be sent to Cardiogirl!
Victoria - as soon as I get a camera phone and can go to garage sales without the accompaniament of my boys, I'll look into that second blog. Really, there's so much to write about in garage sale (boot sale, jumble sale, ...) fodder.
Wendy - MS and fastidious will probably never be joined in one sentence. I do hold out hope for YS, though. Whenever I say, "Clean-up" he starts in on the Barney song and actually begins to put things away.
Karin - "frantically artistic" - that should be his middle name!
I am a self-critic, it's true! I see the double chin, the squint from the sun, the background of half of the garage, the dorky bangs, etc. What you can't see is the necklace, I'm wearing. It is another artistic maneauver by MS from a metal heart he found on the ground and a piece of string he had me tie on!
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