Thursday, October 19, 2023

2023 Prayer Project Progress

Photo by Olivia Snow on Unsplash

The names in my bag continue to dwindle as I near the end of my 2023 Facebook Prayer Project. One individual, when I drew his name, replied, "Finally, I made it!" Ha! As of today, we are 4/5ths through the year. Because I had 377 Facebook friends at the outset of this project, I drew 8 names each week for the first 26 weeks and will draw 7 names each week for the last 26 weeks. One month out from praying for individuals, I send a quick message alerting them to the Bible verse I selected to accompany my prayers for them in their week. I also offer to place needs on my ongoing prayer list. The ongoing list has grown substantially, and this makes my heart glad. Often, people do not respond to my initial offer to pray for them. It could be they cannot think of a need. Perhaps they're not comfortable sharing significant needs. Perhaps they doubt I really pray for them. Whatever the case, they often later say, "Could you add this to your ongoing prayer list?"

I also ask for news of answers to prayer. Some are simple and small. One shared that time in God's Word had been beneficial for improving her mindset about her job. Another said she was feeling more at ease with her life and the people around her. Plus, I have heard answers to prayer for jobs, financial aid for schooling, and children plugged into church connections. Another shared that her mother's house sold in a week. One woman, after praying for a student, heard from that student out-of-the-blue. She wanted to connect about faith topics because her grandmother passed away, causing her to consider spiritual things. One very dear friend has experienced deep losses and walked a long and troubled path with prodigals. She needed a biopsy to check for cancer. Her results revealed it was benign!

When possible, I add the names of family members (spouse, children, grandchildren) to each 3x5 prayer card. This week I prayed for 125 individuals. Over time, the bulk of my praying has shifted to those ongoing needs. I suppose that is understandable. Those needs are clear and specific. Sometimes I have nothing to go by but the person's name. When the connection is tenuous (say, met at an event or friend-requested because they know my sibling), I have even less. Still, I pray for general needs (physical, emotional, and spiritual).

Prayer needs in my home have grown, as well. I continue to pray for each of my sons. Bryce has many work stresses. Trevor is seeking a more established job and an apartment. I pray for Sean's safety in football practices and games. For each of them, I ask God to counter the attractions of the world and draw them into a deeper relationship with God. My husband has not been sleeping well since May. We are not sure of the cause. But this, combined with many necessary home repairs, feels like a spiritual assault. In the beginning of October, I came down with the most horrendous head cold I've ever experienced (perhaps it was acute bronchitis). Of course, given his sleep loss, my husband caught it. As much as I complained about the intensity, his seemed ten times worse.

Plus, I feel the weight of the times. Every day we move closer to what I would consider the "end times." Developments seem to fall right out of scripture. With that, comes an urgency to do more witnessing to unbelievers. I joined a friend-forming group on Facebook and have tried to make it to several of their events (games, movies, bingo). It is like watching an hourglass emptying. The sand flits through so fast. Before we know it, our time may be up. Where will you spend eternity?

Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

What an incredible gift praying this year for Facebook friends. What a huge huge blessing! THANK YOU