Monday, November 30, 2020

Book Review: Dear Emmie Blue

I loved this novel's premise. Girl sends off balloon bearing secret into the world. Boy finds balloon and responds. Deep and abiding friendship develops. Girl hopes for something more. Her hopes begin to slip away like the balloon, with no destination.

I loved the setting - popping back and forth between England and France. I loved the conflict - will they/won't they end up together? The main character was delightful. What a conflicted, yet optimistic young woman. So glad she could send her baggage packing. I loved her best friend, right until he acts like less than a friend. An incident at the end left me shaking my head, disbelieving this character would do such a thing (probably included to keep tension levels high). Plus, why must all new books include sexual comment/content that I find undesirable? Do these authors write clean books and someone dictates that they must add filthy language, sexual discussion, etc., to achieve publication? Oh, how I despair! Lovely little romance book, apart from that. 

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