Monday, September 4, 2023

Book Review: On Getting Out of Bed - Highly Recommend

Do you have a person whose book recommendations move you to seek a book immediately? When Catherine, of A Spirited Mind, recommends one, I jump. She isn't frivolous in handing out 5 stars. Her 5 star Good Reads attribution to this book, On Getting Out of Bed, by Alan Noble, sent me straight to my library website. Within minutes, I was reading the e-book. At only 44 e-book pages long, this essay was a quick and excellent read.

After reading The Body Keeps the Score, I returned to therapy, this time for trauma therapy (EMDR). In addition, I'm weaning from my clinical depression meds. Down days will be inevitable. I well remember days when getting out of bed was a supreme challenge. Alan Noble articulates this struggle well. Mental affliction is not a case of the blues. It isn't a bad day. It is far more pervasive and debilitating. But God...

Noble's main point is that life is a gift and, even in suffering, it is good. God made us with a purpose and He gives each day with divine intent. He writes, "Your being in the world is a witness and 'it counts for something.' Your existence testifies. There is no mitigating this fact. There is nowhere you can hide where your life will not speak something to the world." Even more than his affirming persistence, I loved his discussion on the seriousness of sin. "Our sin proclaims to others that God's promises are not enough.... [they] make sin more plausible for others." This world winks at sin. But even if you don't want to be, you are a witness. Your life bears a message to others. So, what is it you want to say with your one brave life?

Finally, Noble breaks down our motivations for living. You can live because it glorifies God. Or you can live for the world, the flesh, or the devil. How many are trying to live self-sufficient lives? As definer of their own identity, they have no use for God. But God doesn't want us for our usefulness. We have nothing to give to God that He needs. Yet, He delights in us. Moreover, getting out of bed testifies to our trust in God. It proves we believe He knows what each day holds and will carry us through it for as many days as He gives.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I always appreciate your transparency and applaud you for marching on, despite depression. It's true: Each day is a gift, and trust in the Lord often is shown in small simple ways - like getting out of bed.