Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 Reading Analysis

At the outset of 2023, I set a new goal: READ LESS, PRAY MORE!! While I certainly prayed more, thanks to my 2023 Facebook Prayer Project, I didn't significantly alter my reading habits (perhaps the cut was in housekeeping instead of in reading - 😂). Yes, I read less, but I'm quite certain I could stand to cut back even further. In 2022, I read 73 books, totaling 21,492 pages (of those pages, I listened to 343.75 hours of audio books). In 2023, I read 66 books, totaling 17,886 pages (244.25 hours of audio books). That is only 7 less books, or 3606 less pages (100 less hours listening).

In 2022, I read more fiction (43) than non-fiction (30), but this year I read more non-fiction (37) than fiction (29). I read 5 books on prayer (although several more addressed prayer in a peripheral way). As far as ratings, 2023 suffered by comparison to 2022. Last year, 37 books were ranked four thumbs up or greater. This year, only 33, with the majority of those in the 4 thumbs up ranking. Still, almost all the books (95%) were rated 3👍 or greater (with only 1 regrettable read):

👍👍👍👍👍 - 6 books

👍👍👍👍-3/4 - 1 book

👍👍👍👍-1/2 - 5 books

👍👍👍👍 - 21 books

👍👍👍-1/2 - 8 books

👍👍👍 - 21 books

👍👍-1/2 - 2 books

👎 - 1 book

I know this ranking chart only reveals the rank for 65 books, but Pilgrim's Progress threw off a lot of my analysis. I did not calculate pages, because I read several different versions of the book (thus, probably adding back every bit of the year's reduction in books and pages - ha). Plus, since I read various ones, I didn't rank Pilgrim's Progress (although this post reveals which ones I prefer of the lot).

Stay tuned for the top dozen reads of 2023!



Gretchen said...

I admire how organized you are and that you keep records. I am constantly reading and haven't kept track of all that I've read. Most years I begin a list and then I forget to write down the titles! And of course, I can't remember them all. (pathetic)

Wendy Hill said...

Gretchen - My blog is purely personally-motivated. Much as I enjoy sharing my opinions about books with others, my true goal is often just to keep track of what I thought of a book I read. You wouldn't believe how many times I dig back into my blog to find a particular title and re-read my thoughts. Sometimes I go back and discover that I actually enjoy a book more than I originally admitted. This is the case with the movie I am currently watching (again), The Guernsey and Literary Potato Peel Pie Society. My initial review was lackluster, but I've come to appreciate this book/movie more over the years. (Prior to blogging, my mother started my list-keeping by giving me a reader's journal - she kept one, too, until Alzheimer's stole her ability to read and retain - sob)