Friday, February 29, 2008


I must change what I say. I say, "A Hex upon the Unknown rash hex!" We discovered that my MS probably does not have the chicken pox after all. When I called the dr. office on Thursday morning, I had to describe the rash as more splotchy than pimply. He had no fever. Having just finished a round of antibiotics for his ear infection, my husband thought perhaps it was a reaction to the medicine. The nurse decided to call it "a rash of unknown origin." She said it is probably viral. Today, it has faded quite a bit and didn't really bother him (although both little boys have developed a croupy sounding cough - so who knows what is on its way).

And, as for missing the Parent's Day Out this week. Well, perhaps my fall from the stool was God's way of saying, "Here's your little lie-around after all!" I spent a good long time on the couch, waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in. Then, today, my husband (bless him) allowed me to take a nap with my YS in the morning. I'm still sore today, but thankful that nothing was broken. I did take a moment to talk my MS through calling 9-1-1 if anything should render me unconscious in the future. We'll have to wait and see if that was such a good idea. I did explain that it is only for EMERGENCIES.

Also, I recalled that I did indeed take my wedding ring off on a few other occasions. I removed it for the last three or four months of my pregnancies (for fear my fingers would swell - yet, they never did).

1 comment:

Guilty Secret said...

Glad to hear you're ok and got some peace and quiet!