Monday, May 24, 2021

Book Review: Enchantment

Guy Kawasaki is a new-to-me author, recommended by a friend. I happened upon a book of his in the store, but didn't purchase. Instead, I checked my library's coffers. This was their only book by Guy Kawasaki. I'm not the target audience, as I have no intention of creating a company, but it was helpful to process this information. The subtitle alone would have drawn me, as I've long been interested in what makes individuals change their minds. Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions gives the set-up of questions people pose. What do I want? Is the change worth my effort? Can I change?

I loved a quote he used by Oscar Wilde: "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." If the change you are hoping to create in another person is enchanting, there's a significant chance they will join you in your cause. Kawasaki provides hints and tips for how to present what you want from an individual and what you promise to provide to them. He gives ideas for how to cloak your sales pitch and move your audience to take action.

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