Thursday, June 17, 2021

Book Review: The Full Cupboard of Life

When readers binge on a lengthy series, they often struggle with details blurring. This happened to me in my original reading of the Harry Potter series. I stopped after the first three books because everything was running together in my brain. (Aside: before picking it up again, an individual hearing my enthusiasm for the books, assumed I had read them all and shared a shocker that spoiled my surprise.) Thus, I am attempting to put a bit more space between the books in this series now.

In this fifth installment of the series, Mma Ramotswe is wondering if she will ever make it to the altar. But Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni has other anxieties plaguing him. The insistent orphan farm matron has tricked him into making a sponsored parachute jump. Plus, he feels he must confront a fellow mechanic who has sabotaged a client's car. I'm right there with him in his fear of confrontation. Thankfully, Mma Ramotswe saves the day, cleverly shifting the situation.

Once again, Mma Ramotswe's internal dialogue delighted. Oh, so hilarious! While other readers might tire of hearing about the "old Botswana morality" and how times are changing, I lap up these details. These books present Botswana culture and people so well. Wouldn't it be fun to take a trip to Botswana with events planned around these books? I'm sure some travel agent has pursued such an idea. Perhaps I should add that to my bucket list.

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