Saturday, March 21, 2009

This is Why They Tell Parents Not to Blink

This post is for my mother. It is a joint "thank-you for the wonderful Christmas gift" and "look what your amazing grandson can already do!" For Christmas, YS received a Thomas the Tank Engine puzzle game. It included 26 paired puzzle pieces, one for each letter of the alphabet. This quickly became one of his favorite toys and he insisted on carrying them around everywhere.

At first, he was fixated on three key players: G - Gordon; T - Thomas; and J - James. But, we soon noticed that he could identify almost all of the letters. Then, he found our set of magnetic letters.

He was still one just 2-1/2 months ago. As much as I wish for days away from my small children, they just won't stay small for long. Yesterday, YS wanted to take his nap in my bed, lying on Daddy's side. How could I say no? He was all cuddled up under the covers, with Sleepy Bear tucked under his chin, his two fingers upside down in the roof of his mouth, and his hand clutching his "black steam engine."

He fell asleep moments after I crawled in next to him. I, on the other hand, could not sleep. I spent the entire time watching him, loving his sweet, funny cowlicks, those precious fingers and the sucking sound they make, and his adorable face.


Anonymous said...


What a great video clip of YS!! How fun to hear him doing so well with his letters! Two was one of my favorite ages--so much discovery and language development. Enjoy this stage!!! ~Karin

Wendy Hill said...

He is a much easier 2 than MS ever was. But, his own defiant edge is coming out as he become more verbal. I showed this to his teacher, Ms. Carol, today. She loved it. He is going to miss her next year - she is so loving and sweet.