Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Knock, Knock - Latest Bedtime Diversion

The other night, when the little boys were "supposedly" going to sleep, I heard YS's little voice piping up, "Knock, knock!" This, and laughter, was all I heard. I knew MS was already asleep.

It reminded me of the time when ES was 2 or 3 and we were browsing in the toy section of a store. Suddenly, ES began laughing to himself. When I asked what was so funny, he began, "What if Elmo were .... and Cookie Monster ..." I don't remember, but it was a whole story he had created in his head and he was greatly amused by his creation.

The next day, I overheard YS with Daddy at the computer, on the Pingu site (if you move your cursor over the penquin, you'll hear his brassy "knock, knock"). I figured, "so that was where the knock, knock sound originated."

Alas, no. I discovered it goes deeper than mere repetition of a sound heard on the computer. Apparently, MS taught YS this joke:


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

LOL He is hilarious! And SO cute!!!!

Wendy said...

I think watching my kids develop a sense of humor has been one of my favorite things.


Who's there?


Dwayne Who?

Dwane the bathtub! I'm dwowning!

For months, every joke had that same punch line.

Oh - your little boy is ADORABLE!

Wendy Hill said...

Renee - Yep, I think he's both hilarious and adorable.

Wendy - I love that all three of my boys have a great sense of humor. I remember working at my ES's school, where I had to walk the first graders into the school every morning. As we waited for the bell, they constantly regaled me with knock, knock jokes that made absolutely no sense.