What a thrill to hit 50,074 words and see the fireworks and winner banner come up on my NaNoWriMo account! What a feeling! Of course, I have not yet reached the denouement (oh, I hear my freshman teacher rolling that word off her tongue - day-new-m-wah!) of my novel. The action is speeding to that point and I will continue to write. But, I'm very thankful to be able to take Thanksgiving off.
I'm not writing a single word tomorrow! I'm eating turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing and pumpkin pie. I'm going to see if the 2 year old will allow me to resurrect our old tradition of doing a puzzle over Thanksgiving weekend (if he will keep his hands off the puzzle pieces).
Thanks to all those supporters out there who were cheering me on! It was amazing how motivating it was to leave behind the inner editor and merely focus on writing to get it all down. There was such freedom and excitement in the process. I never stopped to worry about how something would pan out because I reminded myself that I could always change it when I'm done with the first draft and rehash the whole thing. The deadline did wonders for me and really kept me writing when I might have just gone to bed and valued my sleep more than the words.
Now, I can't wait to finish the rough draft, polish it and send it out. What a wonderful feeling it will be if one day I can offer a copy as a give-away on my blog! I'm just one more step closer to that possibility! Woo-hoo!
Sweep the Leg, woman! You did it -- congratulations!
Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you!! Can't wait to one day own my own copy of your published book! ~Karin
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