MS and YS left this afternoon for a two day visit with Grandma. Initially, this idea was a buffer in case I didn't make it to 50K words on my NaNoWriMo project. I thought they should postpone the trip, since Grandpa is in the hospital recovering from yet another surgery. But, Grandma said she was desperate to see them. So they packed up YS's new (garage sale find) Thomas luggage and headed to Grandma's house with Daddy.
Hopefully, I will get the house whipped into shape and decorated for the holidays while they are gone. They both wanted to help me put up the tree and decorations. I think I will do better without their endless, frantic energy!

I think the dog has been missing the little boys. After they had left, ES and I noticed that it was very quiet (of course, this is typical once MS and YS leave). ES asked where Harley was. We found him lying by the door to the garage, with his head propped up on the step. He hadn't moved since they walked out that door and left. He looked so sad and bereft. Those boys certainly do adore him, even if they drive me crazy by pestering him.

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