Monday, November 16, 2009

Why I'm Glad I'm Not a Mouse Mama

Yesterday, around 5 or 5:30 in the evening, our Mrs. Mouse went into labor again. It is a fascinating process watching her pull the babies out and then meticulously clean them and eat the afterbirth (this already makes me repulsed).

Then, last night, as I was trying to concentrate on writing my daily 2000 words for my novel, I was continually interrupted by the squeaks and squeals of the Mama Mouse. No she wasn't birthing any more (she had another 10 - thankfully, we had taken 5 of the previous babies back to the pet shop, to become snake food, on Saturday night). She was adamantly trying to fend off Mr. Mouse, who wouldn't let up on her and pursued her relentlessly for about an hour and a half. Methinks we will be watching this process again and again. That is, until we get rid of Mr. Mouse (my suggestion after the first brood, but I think hubby wants to let him stay until after the new year).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am positive bad karma entails coming back as a female mouse.

Way to go on slammin' out 33K! (Yes, you get to round up.)