These are the boys' two favorite friends. MS invited Evan (orange hood) and Andrea (pink hat) to his birthday party and YS has been obsessed with Andrea ever since. During the hay-ride, YS kept moving to sit closer to Andrea. She wanted to sit near her little girlfriend, Daelynn. Determined to get his way, he climbed over Andrea and plopped himself between Andrea and Daelynn. Daelynn dissolved into tears and Andrea tried to scoot as far away from YS as she could get. Yep, at age 2, he's already chasing the girls and making them cry.
Yesterday, MS was all bent out of shape because I brought YS along to pick him up from school. On Mondays and Fridays, when hubby is off work, I can leave YS home. MS felt that YS was stealing all his friends on the playground. You certainly don't have to teach a young child jealousy.
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