Saturday, March 6, 2021

Watchin' Our Solitude Slippin' Away

I'm amazed by the speed at which our solitude is slipping away. Last Friday, two house frames appeared, as if out of nowhere, on the horizon of the plot adjoining our land. Yesterday, I attempted to take photos to show the rapid development. (Sorry, I'm a horrid photographer and it doesn't show how close they feel.) There are now 9 houses in various stages of construction dotting the landscape:

At least they are not yet directly across from our meadow; but at this pace, it is only a matter of time.

This morning, I went out to take closer images (before the workmen arrive, bringing their cacophony of noise).

I'm sure I wouldn't mind it so much if our house didn't face that spell of land. It is the idea that we will look out our front door to houses backed up onto the edge of our property that is so distressing.

People have already started cutting a path through our meadow to get from the walking trail to the road. Makes me want to build a wall around our house, meadow, woods, and orchards. Doubt that will happen.

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