Monday, August 8, 2022

Book Review: Biohack Your Brain

With due date looming, I skimmed this book one afternoon. I continue to make verbal mistakes and brain blunders. It is hard not to see dementia hiding in every corner when such things happen. The other day, after putting down a new rug in Sean's room, I quipped, "Now we need to iron it." Of course, I meant "vacuum" it, but the faux pas made us snort with laughter. Underneath the laughter lies the terrifying question of a future similar to my mother's. If anyone is eager to "biohack" the brain, it's me.

Kristen Willeumier is a neuroscientist who studied NFL football players and the results of concussion. Even those most debilitated were able to reinvigorate their mental faculties. Willeumier declares that no matter what your age, there are easy steps you can take in the hopes of better brain health. She includes several excellent lists, like 10 ways to change your brain in 10 minutes: walk, eat dark chocolate (okay, I'm game), sit up straight, write with your non-dominant hand, eat blueberries, learn a new word, visualize ways to improve your day, spend 10 minutes away from devices, breathe essential oils, and keep a gratitude journal. Then there's a list of 10 brain games for a sharper mind: read, learn a new word a day, computer brain games, learn a new language, create art, volunteer, write creatively, do crossword/jigsaw puzzles, vary your way to work, and try something new.

Willeumier's book is full of dietary advice, exercise encouragement, supplement suggestions, and hydration advocacy. While I already follow much of her advice, I could be more intentional. She gears these steps toward the everyday individual. You don't have to shift everything in your life, but small steps will lead to change. As she exhorts: set realistic incremental goals, track your progress, have an accountability partner, and - most of all - enjoy it!

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