Monday, August 15, 2022

Book Review: Watching the Road

I continue to seek insights from other authors into the journey with a prodigal. After reading Tami Winkelman's Encouragement in the Waiting, I came across this book by Karen Wheaton. I don't know how I missed finding it before, when I made my thorough search of resources for parents of prodigals (available as a free 10-page pdf on my author website). Now, I will have to update that document to add this important resource, Watching the Road: Praying Your Prodigal Home.

Wheaton's book provides a heart-felt personal tale of watching her wayward daughter make decisions she knows will damage her life and the lives of all those around her. How devastating to be involved in Christian ministry while your child's life implodes in front of the eyes of others. As a parent, you feel judged even if they don't point out the missteps. Not only was Karen Wheaton involved in ministry, but her prodigal daughter and son-in-law were, as well. Talk about error in the public eye!

When her daughter, Lindsey, left her marriage to seek personal freedom, Karen ramped up her prayer efforts and, despite temptations to give up, persisted in petitioning God's throne for her child's return. Thankfully, this book reveals a victory. Many parents are still in the thick of the battle and for many, that war rages for years. If you don't read the book (perhaps it is too painful to listen to tales of other successes when your loss is so raw), at least check it out for the final chapter, "The Last Word." It provides an outline of the best weapons for warfare: fasting, prayer (I loved this line: "You pray until you touch Heaven. And you keep praying until Heaven touches you."), the Word (promises on index cards are helpful), believing (avoid "believing what you see versus believing what He says"), obedience (praise is so important), and watching (never give up hope). Her encouragement is "keep your eyes on the road and get ready to run!"

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