Thursday, May 18, 2023

Mid-month Mention #2: Anxiety Book & Podcast

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Having struggled for years with chronic depression, this is a topic near to my heart. Since I have had 3 major depressive episodes, I have a 99 percent chance of relapse should I ever decide to go off medication. While I loath my dependence on medication, I am truly grateful that it helps even me out. What's more, it enables me to be myself. Without the meds, I become a person I don't recognize.

I'm sure I'm not alone in my struggles. Given the way the world is spinning, more join the ranks daily. Many complexities assault our young people: information overload, insidious comparisons, and harmful opportunities. As a result, fear grips them in its vise. Several individuals on my Facebook prayer list have requested prayer for anxiety management. Immobilizing anxiety is a beast within and often difficult to fight.

I recently learned of the Fearless Unite website and a book by Christy Boulware, called Nervous Breakthrough. I joined the Fearless Unite newsletter. When a recent link to a podcast came up, I intended to only listen for a few minutes. Forty minutes later, I was so glad I stuck around and I immediately forwarded the information to individuals I know who face this battle. The podcast highlights an interview with a 19-year-old, Faith McDonald. She struggles with paralyzing (emotionally chained to the bathroom floor) anxiety. I loved how it suggested important ways to support an anxiety-laden friend or family member. If you, or a loved one, need encouragement and hope amid panic attacks and life-altering anxiety, I highly recommend listening to this podcast.

Click here to sign up for weekly anxiety tips and a free bonus chapter of Christy Boulware's book.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Thank you for sharing books that provide hope and tools for life.