Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Only Clues

I only have time for some clues tonight. Our computer has been out of commission for a full day. It has been an interesting day.

ES inadvertently caused some of the computer issues. He knows far more about computers than I do, but still ... Anyone want to make a guess about that?

MS was desperate to watch Goosebumps (on the computer) today, so I thought it was safe to put him in front of the television with Spongebob Squarepants (his second choice) while I went downstairs to exercise. Alas, while I was busy working out, he was busy cutting up. Any guesses as to what he did?

YS joined MS and I in a quick run to the library after his nap. I should know better than to try to shop in the library sale room when they are offering books for $1 a bag. As it was, I only perused the children's books. However, YS decided to add a little excitement to our visit. Take a stab at guessing. You know you want to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know MS likes to cut...I'm worried about WHAT exactly he was cutting up while you were pre-occupied with your workout. No guesses...I'm afraid to guess!! :) ~Karin