Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tool Shed Treasure Trove

What could be better than having an oasis of beauty full of trees to climb, space to run and things to explore? A tool shed full of treasures! It seems that every time I turn around ES, (who is now a full-fledged teenager, by the way) is coming up with another scheme.

Last Saturday, he decided to ask if he could use several strips of long plastic from the tool shed. I'm guessing this was purchased to protect the carpeting during remodeling projects. His dad gave the o.k. and off ES went to create another boyish diversion. Once his plan came together, he called his friend K.

Here is what he created:

You really can't enjoy a slip-and-slide without a video visual:

The little boys wanted to try out the slip-and-slide, too, but they were starting to develop a bit of a cold, so I kept them in. Lest you think they suffered in silence, here are photos of the little boys enjoying a movie and popcorn (ES had gone to the movies and brought home half a tub - unbelievably, the little boys polished off almost the entire thing).

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