Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Boys

YS - favorite saying, lately, which comes up at odd moments unexpectedly:

"Torcher! Did he say 'torcher'?" (which translates: "Torture! Did he say, 'torture'?") - from a Goosebumps movie, he slightly overheard while playing with his trains. My second favorite from him lately - also picked up by osmosis -"Duuude, how did you do that?"

MS - as we were driving ES to marching band practice the other night, MS piped up with "Now that's a weird place to store your tools!" I was perplexed and asked him what he was talking about. He explained that there were tools on the roof of a house. Sure, enough, it was a house where a new roof was being laid. HA!

My favorite from this week:

ES - Tonight I was assisting ES in studying for his final exam in Social Studies. The students must correctly identify the capitals to about 30 countries. As I went over the list, we came to Syria. He looked stumped. I tried to give him a little prompt, saying "Jesus walked in Jerusalem in Israel and he walked in "D" in Syria ..." He looked at me and said, "I can't remember, but I know it sounds kinda like "dumb a$$." I cracked up. Yes, Damascus or "Dumb A$$ Cuss" - how's that for a mnemonic (memory tool)? I doubt I'll ever forget the capital of Syria again!


Wendy said...

Whew! I won't forget it either!

Cowboy used to yell "truck! trrrrruuuuuccckkk!" every time he saw one.

Except sometimes he skipped his R's, and he always replaced his t's with F's.

Wendy Hill said...

Wendy - Yes, my ES used to say truck in the same exact way. One day we were at the library and he was moving a truck across the radiator grills, saying "Go truck. Go truck."

An even funnier mishap occurred when I told him we had to find the store clerk to see if they had rainchecks for an item out of stock. He went right up to the counter and said, "Do you have checks?" only his ch sound came out more as an sss sound. She looked at me wide-eyed until I explained what we were after.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Wendy! Out of the mouths of babes... ~Karin