In the past six months, I've been worried that two of my favorite card games had been lost in that flood. I tried finding replacements on e-bay. The first game, called "Authors" was easily found, but I didn't buy another set because the old one held such nostalgic value (it was the deck I grew up playing with my siblings and mother) and I still hoped to find it. The second game, was impossible. I had purchased it at the Tate Gallery in London over twenty years ago. I didn't remember the name, but even searching the Tate's site didn't bring any results.

On Sunday, in searching for the baggie with extra game pieces, I discovered a box labeled "card games." Makes sense, right? Well, there were my two beloved card games. I had always kept them separate. Thanks to my hubby's organizational skills and my searching, these two lost games are now FOUND!
The authors game has always been one of my favorites. The deck contains four books from 11 authors and the goal is to collect complete sets of authors by asking other players if they hold the cards you require. The Tate Gallery card game is similar and is called "Quartet." This deck contains four paintings from 13 artists. My ES had loved playing "Quartet" with me because some of the paintings had names and images he felt were risque. He enjoyed asking "Do you have David Hockney's Man in Shower in Beverly Hills?" or "Do you have Pablo Picasso's Reclining Nude with Necklace? "
When my ES discovered my MS and I playing the game at the end of the book, he wanted to play too! So, he joined us mid-way and when I won, he asked if we could play again without MS. I think we played three or four games that night and I won every one. OWNED! ES tried to say it was merely "Mother's Day Luck." So, he appealed for a re-match the following night. Again, I won each game played. Finally, on Wednesday night, after several games, he won. I'm glad I can beat him in some games anyway.
I have left the three games on the kitchen table (yes, clutter, I know) this whole week. We have continued to play them. I grew up playing games with my siblings, so I am looking forward to more opportunities to play games with these boys!
Before I close, ES begged me to share his recent stats from Guitar Hero (O.K., he is very good at that game, and he does love to boast about it!). So here are some photos of his 100% endeavors. He wanted me to post video, but I'll spare you that (it takes too long to upload).
I love that he likes to play the game (in part) because he can ask, "Do you have Pablo Picasso's Reclining Nude with Necklace?"
I'm impressed that you can keep cards and game pieces together and find them again, especially with a toddler in the house!
Those games and the time you spent with your kids sounds like so much fun!
Cardiogirl - Yes, he also loves to ask if I have "Pomeranian Betch and Pups" I forget the artist.
This is one reason I always kept those two card games in a separate, more sacred place, so that I wouldn't end up losing pieces. Yes, we have lost many pieces to games. It is always interesting to be cleaning something out and come across the red car to the Jr. Monopoly game! etc.
I think I will try to play lots of games with them because I have fond memories of game-playing in my FOO. One summer, my mom even challenged us to try to read the most books profiled in the Authors cards. I forget who won, but I remember trying to read "Last of the Mohicans" and just about dying because it was so long and boring!
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