Yesterday, I heard a repeated chirping sound and noticed a small bird on the ground near the windows. I was surprised that it didn't fly away when I approached the window to look at it. So, today, I wasn't as shocked when my hubby said that my MS had caught a bird in his butterfly net.
The first picture is actually the last picture I took. He had caught the bird, with daddy's supervision, and admired it in the net for a time. Then, we told him to let it go near where they had found it. Of course, he couldn't help but head back there twenty minutes later to see if it was still there. He found it again and we followed it over to these low branches of trees, where I managed to get a nice close-up shot.
Both the little boys were thrilled with this adventure. YS wanted to reach in the net and touch it. ES couldn't believe that MS had caught a bird in his net. We explained that it was probably a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest before fully learning to fly. I'm sure the trauma my sons inflicted with their curiosity has encouraged this little bird to get the hang of flying.
Just another reason we consider this home to be a paradise for our boys.
loved those pictures! and I loved to find "little things" like that when I was little.. can imagine how excited your kids were!!
Dace - so glad you stopped by again. We were so pleased that MS's bird (as it is now called) survived our big storm. It is now flying, so we will probably no longer be able to identify it by name. Ah well.
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