Monday, June 2, 2008

Down and Out

We had a severe storm on Friday evening. As a result, two outlets were fried (electrician came yesterday), A/C is no longer working (expecting temperatures in the 90s this week), basement leaked (thankfully we moved the brand-new playroom rug and put down towels before it got bad), ES's cell phone charger was fried and we have no internet (I am typing this at the library). You would think that the world had come to an end for ES - no internet and no cell phone! But, I shouldn't make light of his agony, since I have missed my internet access, as well.

The evening of the storm, I was putting my MS to bed (groan, must I think about that horrendous task when I am away and finally blogging). We thought of the poor baby bird out in the storm on its own. We said a small prayer for the bird. Saturday, when we headed outside to pick up sticks (we still can't come up with an explanation for the scattering of the large logs which were circled around our bonfire and are now in odd places - certainly the winds weren't that strong! Bigfoot, maybe?), we were thrilled to find it perched in the same tree as the last photo. The amount of bird dung below it makes me think it weathered the entire storm while clinging to that branch!

We tried to take a walk in the nearby park, but couldn't even go there - the bridge we usually cross to get to the walking trail was completely submerged under water. We walked, instead, in a different park (with no tree coverage, but no major puddles, thankfully) and I now have my first sunburn of the season. Of course, with no internet, I have been getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Still, depression hovers above me, threatening to submerge me like the bridge to our walking trail. May our new router arrive soon and may my hubby survive this break I am taking from my mothering role!


Unknown said...

Glad little bird made it and you did too. Hope everythings sorted quick as a flash

Anonymous said...

I suspected you were having Internet problems, having not seen a blog from you in so many days. I feel your pain. We come to rely on our technology and connections. Take care! ~Karin