Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So Much to Re-cap, So Little Brain-power or Time

We did, indeed, have an adventurous trip. An electrician was scheduled to come replace the breaker box on Monday morning. I returned home with the two little boys (ES remained with Grandma and is attending a university wrestling camp this week) in the late afternoon, but the electrician was still working. We merely headed right back out the door and took a walk in the park. After a weekend of car travel, it was the perfect activity.

Tuesday, my parents arrived for a brief visit. At the end of the day, when the kids are finally in bed (and my MS is no longer TALKING and demanding that all the attention be on him), I have been enjoying conversation with my parents instead of my usual computer time. Perhaps it is just as well. Sometimes, I feel driven to try to write something every day, even if I don't have anything particularly important or profound to share (especially because on many days, I haven't spoken to a single grown-up besides my husband, and our conversations are often a recap of the behaviour of the children). I have missed posting this past week, but I have also enjoyed the break from it (does that make sense?). What I really have missed? Faithfully visiting other blogs. I have lots to catch up on and not much time or energy.

Of course, once my visit with my parents ends, I will have to pick up the slack on this house (especially the boys' bathroom - groan). I don't usually obssess about the house being in a state of perfection when my parents come to visit. My focus is entirely on spending time with them. They live in FL and we don't see them nearly as often as I would like. Needless to say, I've let things really slide. The bookcases have been raided numerous times as MS asks Grandma and Grandpa to read to him. The idea of taking one book out and putting it back is unfamiliar in this house. Both the little boys tend to just pull out all the books so they can look for the particular one they are wanting. I must catch up on laundry (MS is very eager to get to that - especially since Grandma has informed us that we probably can actually wash the white gloves in the washing machine) and try to get a bit more sleep (as I am fighting a summer cold).

I promise I will get back to this blog. I want to get down the details of the trip, so that I will not lose them from memory. And, I'm even thinking of giving my first contest/giveaway. So, in the words of Ms. McKee (often spoken to her third grade class), "Stay tuned!"


Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy, welcome home and back to the blogworld! Isn't it weird how this little space inside the box is sort of like a world unto its own? I know exactly what you mean about taking a break and enjoying, but missing it at the same time.

We're going up north over July 4th weekend and I've had the same thought. I won't be able to get to my blog or other blogs! (gasp, groan) I could pre-post, but I can't answer comments (gasp, groan).

And you just jogged a memory of a dream I had last night about ... wait for it ... doing laundry! Grrr. I *hate* dreaming about doing laundry. I think that has become one of my anxiety dreams.

Life was so much simpler when the anxiety dream was the standard: I'm in class, I'm looking at the final and I haven't studied for it.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home, Wendy! I'm glad you had a break in routine for a few days. I hope that the travels were smooth, for the most part. My mom was happy to see you and your boys. She said that she can see that you have your hands full with those two little boys on the go so much. Which I know is exactly how you feel on some (many) days. I'll be interested to hear how the week goes with only the 2 little ones at home and ES away at camp for the week, as far as the dynamics. Although, you're used to having ES in school with the little boys at home, so maybe it will just feel like he's at school again. ~Karin

Maria (also Bia) said...

Welcome home; I'm glad that everything went well.

It's nice every once in a while to take a blogging break.

Hope you get over that cold!

Wendy Hill said...

CG - Isn't it funny how I feel like I've come back home only once I've gotten back onto the computer (because for me, right now, my primary source of community is in this blogosphere!)? I'll be anxious to see how you handle your weekend away. If you pre-post, we won't even notice that you've "left the building", but we will miss your quick response time on comments!

Karin - It was wonderful to see your parents. Our moms were wearing identical shoes (just in a different color - ha). The celebration seemed to be the hardest part of our trip. The boys were running everywhere and I had a hard time keeping track of them. And, of course, I was wanting to sit down and swap funny stories with others instead of chasing two toddlers.

Bia - thanks for the return greetings. It is nice to get back and see people welcoming me home! My YS is in the throes of the cold for now. Hopefully, it is on its way out.