Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What a Day This Has Been!

I know, if you are a "Brigadoon" fan, you're expecting me to continue ... "What a rare mood I'm in, why it's almost like falling ..." O.K., not that kind of mood! Thankfully, for MS's sake, I'm already in love with him!

Let's see. After being put to bed at 8:30, MS was still up and coming out and getting in trouble clear until 10:30. So, I wasn't really ready for my morning to begin at 7, but that is when YS has been getting up lately (even though he didn't fall asleep until 9:30 - groan). From the moment my MS came out of his room at 8 this morning, it has been a VERY LONG DAY!

While lying on the floor near the boys, MS kicked me in the bosom. OUCH! If ES had been home, I'm sure he would have offered to kick MS where he might learn how painful such a kick can be. Thankfully, he was at school (but only through tomorrow, then we throw him back into the mix).

Then, while trying to give YS a cuddle, MS grabbed at us in jealousy and managed to produce a gaping scratch on my left cheek, which looks as if I was knifed! Later this morning, I noticed a similar scratch on YS's leg (I'm going to have to cut that boy's fingernails before it looks like we've all wrestled a cougar).

Our microwave finally died on us (my husband has had that dinosaur for twenty-some years - it was a Hotpoint - not even a big name-brand - and his grandma bought it for him in K-mart when was in college) yesterday. So, this morning I had the privilege of trying to find a new one with the two little boys in tow (and one trying to make the transition from two naps to one afternoon nap). There was the usual irritability while shopping, but MS pulled it up a notch by throwing a fit in one store, where he saw something Spiderman-related, and expected me to buy it. It is always fun to listen to his whines, followed by the glare and the hostile expression, "You, MOM YOU!!!"

We came home without success and the boys wanted chicken-and-stars soup for lunch. Mid-way through, MS felt the call of nature and had to leave the table. So, I ended up putting YS down for his nap and waiting for MS to finish, so I could change him and have him finish his lunch and head for his nap. I had cleared everything away but MS's bowl and was bored waiting, so I began to read my Wheaton Alumni magazine.

Alas, I got too absorbed! I looked up to see a chocolate-mustached mouth. He was grinning and trying to wipe his hands and mouth with the dish rag. I asked where the marks on his mouth came from (thinking, "that little scamp probably ate the mini-Snickers bar that hubby had left on the middle of the table yesterday!"). He replied sweetly, "Chocolate. I didn't finish my soup, but I wanted some bessert! (don't ask me why, but this is one of the few words he doesn't say clearly)" I head into the dining room to see the Snickers bar still on the table.

After a confused look, he points to the special box at the end of the table. The special box my husband gave to me on Mother's Day. The special box which originally contained three small truffles and three large (2 in. x 2 x 2) peanut butter cups from the specialty chocolate shop nearby. The special box which cost hubby $14.89. (This, I know, because I gave hubby a coupon for $3 off a $15 purchase, and after he gave me the chocolates, he sheepishly handed the coupon back and said, "it only came to $14.89." I know I was looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I had to say, "surely they had a ten cent candy in the place!").

He ate my last peanut butter cup! I tried to explain to him why that was just WRONG! It would be like me taking his brand new Spiderman toy a few days after his birthday! Just WRONG!

After a nap (at least that was successful), he proceeded to bicker and whine with ES until dinner. At dinner Daddy kept reminding MS that he couldn't go outside until he finished a certain portion of his meal, so he threw his straw, full of strawberry smoothie, across the table at Daddy, scattering pink spots of liquid all over the tablecloth, chairs, Daddy's white shirt, and who-knows-where-else! Daddy handed down the sentence, "no playing outside with Daddy after dinner and he will spend the time in his room." MS proceeded to throw a fit. I tried to calm him down and remind him that his poor choices led to the punishment. He bit my cheek! He didn't get to finish dinner.

Before finishing the supper dishes, hubby came running in with YS. They had a great time outside together, but YS fell and busted open his upper lip. So, with the excitement of bloody boy, belligerent boy came out of his room.

So, I say, "What a day this has been!" And, again, put the two little guys to bed at 8:50, but MS didn't fall asleep until 10:30. Still, before I go to bed, I should say, at least he amused me with two funny expressions today!

We often tease him and say, "Now who do you think did this? I think it starts with a T and rhymes with --------, it's T---------." So, he looked at me today and said, "Who did this? It starts with an M and rhymes with bomb-a, iiiittt'sss Momma!"

Then, I was complaining about how long the dishes were taking to wash up. He suggested, "Why don't you sing the Spiderman song? It will make your work go faster!" Now, I know he got this from the t.v., because I remember hearing it on something he was watching yesterday or the day before. There is clearly a reason God makes 'em so cute when they are this age or they might not make it to another age!


BBBGirl said...

Sounds like your cheeks took a battering today, but at least your sense of humor is still intact! Thanks for the story, Wendy.

Wendy Hill said...

Joy - you should see it! John was even shocked by it - it is a pretty deep gash. I thought about taking a photo, but didn't ... and now I won't because tonight I got a haircut and I'm not liking it at all! Thankfully, Thursday nights are the nights I try to get out by myself for a bit. I needed it!

Anonymous said...

Wendy, oh my gosh, what a day this was!! I hope the gash in your face doesn't leave a scar! Love the teasing phrase of "who did this?" Sorry about your chocolate! Alas, it makes for a great story to retell over the years! ~Karin