Monday, August 31, 2020

Don't Let the Turkeys and Rodents Get You Down!

We seem to be attracting pets we didn't invite. Exhibit One:

This turkey has turned up and hangs around the house waiting, no stalking, until John puts down his morning bird seed. He is becoming a nuisance. He wanders into the garage and sits as if he owns the place. What's more, he leaves presents behind - sheesh!

He loves to display his plumage, but he can't disguise it - he's a TURKEY!

Exhibit Two:

Went to sit on the porch furniture while waiting for the dog, our true pet, to do his business. Instead, came upon this dreadful sight:

As if staring down at that wriggling, dying baby mouse wasn't enough, we found a nest of abandoned baby mice in the couch cushions:

Nothing pleasant about this!

Actually, it's not those turkeys and rodents that are getting me down - I have other turkeys giving me grief these days, and other rats in the woodwork. Chin up! I will survive the unwelcome fixtures of the turkeys and rodents in my life.

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