Thursday, May 27, 2010

Really Scary Shoes

I must apologize for abandoning my blog lately. We had a death in the family last week and I have found it very difficult to sit down and write, despite having loads to say and so much running around my brain that I feel like I need a second head (and at times, feel like I am actually growing a second one).

Last week, Cardiogirl shared a hilarious post about a trendy new shoe which is sort of a combination between a boot and a flip-flop, thus earning the title of "floot". I can guarantee you will never catch me sporting this shoe on my dogs.

This reminded me of some other shoes I came across recently. Trevor is forever requesting an Internet search for various things "scary." A few weeks back, he asked me to search for "scary shoes." He was hoping to find some shoes with skulls and crossbones on them. We did, indeed eventually find some on, but at $60 a pair, I can guarantee you he won't be sporting the scary shoes either.

Before we found the Zappos site, we stumbled upon this little gem. You really must follow the link and enjoy a bit of horrified amusement as you take in the ridiculous HEIGHTS of fashion some people are willing to scale! Now those are some REALLY SCARY SHOES!

1 comment:

cardiogirl said...

Those shoes. Are. CRAZY!

I think the knee-high, foot-high boots are the craziest of all. I think you could break a femur on those.

p.s. Thanks for the shout!