Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Book Review: A Marriage Carol

This little Christmas novel, written by Chris Fabry (of Moody Radio fame) and Gary Chapman (author of The Five Love Languages), was much more what I was looking for.  It was very inspirational and brought tears to my eyes as I read.  It gives a nod to Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, but in a way that isn't trite or hackneyed.

It is Christmas Eve and Marlee and Jacob Ebenezer are on their way to sign papers finalizing their divorce.  They feel no more hope for their relationship.  A shortcut over treacherous mountain roads brings their trip to a halt when their car careens off into the snow.  Marlee awakens to find herself alone in the vehicle.  She walks until she finds a small home inhabited by an elderly man who takes her on a journey exploring her past, her present, and her possible future.

This novel would be powerful in the lives of couples who are contemplating calling it quits.  It is a strong reminder of the power of hope and the importance of choices in determining the outcome of our lives. It is really a reminder to all of us, in good marriages or bad, that relationships are worth fighting for and we can make the right choices that lead us towards one another instead of away from each other. 

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