Monday, January 4, 2016

2015 Reading Graph

I'll give a nod to Sheila at The Deliberate Reader blog, who always starts a new year with multiple charts and graphs analyzing her reading tendencies from the previous year. I decided to try my hand at it, in a minimal way, by charting the various categories of books I devoured in 2015. It would have been interesting to see the percentage of audio vs. bound books or borrowed vs. books owned, but that would be a time-consuming task going back through to divide up the categories.

In terms of categories of grown-up literature, non-fiction was almost neck and neck with fiction. Plus, I was surprised to see that I spent more time reading tween/children's literature than reading young adult literature. This is especially surprising since I make a determined effort to read YA because I write YA novels. Moreover, I had at least 12 titles prescribed for me because of my participation in a young adult book club (which has sadly disbanded - although it was in serious decline for quite a few months).

So, here's my chart, outlining the categories of books read in 2015:

Out of 136 books read, 43 were fiction, 41 non-fiction, 27 tween/children's titles, 21 young adult, and 4 short story books.

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