Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018!

One of the best things about Christmas is having all my boys together in one place. Last night, they spent most of their Christmas Eve playing Rock Band together (Bryce on drums, Trevor on bass, and Sean on guitar). I love to watch them in this endeavor. If only it had remained an observation activity. Alas, they wanted to break 1,500,000 on a song, so they asked me to be a fourth player and sing into the microphone. What a horrible experience! First off, I didn't even know the song and the words come at you quickly and you just have to sort of guess what pitch you should be on. I hated every minute of it (felt like a detriment, rather than a help to them) and was so glad when they decided to put Trevor on drums and prop up the microphone so Bryce could play bass and sing at the same time. Finally, they reached their goal.

One of my gifts to John this Christmas is a small squirrel photo holder (he loves his birds and squirrels and feeds them daily). I needed a decent photo of the boys together. Here they are, with Toby, in front of the tree (no, those gifts beneath the tree aren't exactly "pared down" the way I intended - oh well):

May you have a blessed Christmas and may 2019 bring peace and joy. Thanks for reading my paltry offerings and opinionated book reviews.

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