Thursday, June 1, 2023

Trevor's H.S. Graduation

Thanks to our school district's outstanding opportunities available to middle-school students, Trevor had enough credits to graduate early. He had originally been on the college track but, in switching gears to a general diploma, he sped through those requirements. I celebrated his achievement back in December with a small cake, balloons, and a card. We intend to take him out for a celebratory meal eventually, since he had a birthday party to attend on graduation day.

Trevor's girlfriend Kylie came with us for the festivities and sat next to me. I regaled her with tales of his youth (hopefully, he won't be furious) and his passion for dressing-up, especially as Spiderman. The school had requested a toddler/pre-school photo along with their senior photo. I'm sure he's relieved I didn't select one of those Spiderman moments to share with all his classmates.

As we sat waiting for the ceremony to begin, I noticed my oldest son's name in the program. Apparently, he donated to the Dollars for Scholars program. Good for him! It was a somber occasion, in many ways. One of the first students to speak was Madi Parker, whose twin sister died from cancer on Mother's Day this year. She did an amazing job of staying composed while encouraging students to appreciate the gift of every day and to remember all the blessings in the past. I said a prayer for her when I noticed her tearing up at the video review for the class of 2023. She is an amazing young person and recently received the Indiana Distinguished Young Woman Award. I attended a garage sale fundraiser for her trip to the national level of competition.

Afterwards, we fell into the crush of people. I wish I had been more intentional about finding a quiet place to secure our family photo. Sadly, we were more focused on getting out of the masses and quickly snapped just two photos. The background is too busy. While Trevor looks great, the rest of us... well, not thrilled.

I managed a better shot of Trevor with his girlfriend. So wishing I had my friend Laura's photography skills... or even a better phone camera. Despite sub-par photographic evidence, it was a fine day for a celebration! He may still have super-powers 😁

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Congratulations to you all! At every graduation I attend, I tear up when the graduates enter with the song "Pomp and Circumstance" playing. Graduations are significant mileposts with new beginnings and endings. It's endings that leave me wiping my eyes. The speaker targeted the right message: Be thankful for each day, each moment counts.

Congratulations again! The photos are wonderful!