Saturday, January 1, 2011

More to Share

Thanks to my sweet niece, Kirsten, I have more (better) photos to share of our Christmas gathering. Part of me says, "ah, but these are just photos of my family, and who else really cares? (indeed, the ones who really do can already view these and more directly from Kirsten's flicker account)" But another part of me says, "This is part of who you are and one of the reasons you blog is not to gain fame and fortune but to reveal who you are."

So, here is a window into what my world was like earlier this week. As further evidence that something is strangely amiss in my body, I felt as if I missed most of these moments. I'm not sure where I was. I was probably there in body, but largely absent in integrating these moments into my experience. The only ones I really remember are the ones of Bryce performing his drums, Arianna doing her Irish dancing, Trevor showing off his wrestling moves and Trevor clinging to cousin Eric during the whole present exchange.

Still, these photos capture (with far better skill than I will ever have) the feeling of our gathering. Indeed, I feel so deeply blessed as I looked through the photos because such intense joy and comfort with one another is evident. We don't get together nearly often enough. We have our own baggage - that is for sure - but we still are blessed with each other and enjoy gathering together (even if it is only once a year).

Here we all are (minus my parents):

The cousins had a tremendous time sledding together. We were so grateful to have snow when they were all here. We have since gone back to a muddy brown look to our local environs, sadly.

They also enjoyed building with Magnatiles:

Showing off their talents:

Playing cards:

I think my dad is the president and my mom is the vice president in this round. My older brother, David, is SCUM. They all rubbed it in, saying "Thanks for being Scum, David!" (One year, we even made the Scum sit in a little pint-sized chair.)

And just enjoying one another:

Really, we all had a fabulous time. Given the losses on my husband's side of the family this past year, we were especially grateful to gather all of my family together and enjoy one another so thoroughly!

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