Monday, April 27, 2015

Book Review: Here's to You, Rachel Robinson

Here's to You, Rachel Robinson is a companion novel to go with Judy Blume's Just As Long As We're Together but it can stand alone, as well. While both books discuss the same characters and references are made to the first book, with a new narrator the reader really gets a new story perspective and a different experience from the first book. They were both very well written, but this one felt a little bland.

Rachel Robinson is heralded as the perfect student by her teachers, yet she is struggling with the expectations for perfection. Moreover, everyone seems to want to push a new activity on her. With trouble brewing at home, thanks to her older brother Charles, Rachel feels pressed in on all sides. Everyone else seems to find Charles amusing, but Rachel knows the emotional turmoil he can manufacture with ease in their home. Living in a family of over-achievers can be a daunting task.

Again, I'd have to say (just as with the previous book) I prefer the books about Fudge, but this book will surely appeal to girls between the ages of 9 and 12. They will, no doubt, relate to the anxiety of crushes on older boys and the pressure to keep up appearances. I think I would have really enjoyed these books back when I fit into the targeted audience.

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