Monday, June 6, 2022

Cedar Point Trip

Back in January, we started planning a family trip to Cedar Point (a favorite destination for the boys). Bryce and his girlfriend wanted to schedule it to coincide with the Indy 500. While the boys and Elizabeth rode rides, John and I planned to take a day trip to Kelley Island. We booked the rooms, the 2-day tickets, and the fast passes. We intended to drive two cars, so Bryce, Elizabeth, and I could return home late Saturday evening. Then, the complications mounted. 

Trevor belatedly realized that he intended to attend his girlfriend's high school graduation that Saturday. Sean had trouble finding a friend to bring instead (especially since, having purchased fast passes, it had to be a friend unafraid of daring rides). Our two foremost options for a dog-sitter came up dry. Toby's groomer suggested two college students but they couldn't take the dog. I tried, but so many of the options were homes with several large dogs, and we knew our Toby would not tolerate such an environment. Thus, I decided to remain home with the dog, while John took Sean and a friend and Bryce and Elizabeth drove my car. But Bryce really wanted me to come along.

Finally, I logged back in to Rover and tried to find a good fit in a town close to where Trevor will be for his girlfriend's graduation. Success! We arranged to have Trev drop Toby off that morning and I would pick him up the following morning after our return late the night before.

We had a wonderful time. Friday morning was a bit frantic (heavy rain made the drive stressful), but we arrived at the Breakers hotel (right on the Cedar Point property) around 2 and by 3, Bryce and Elizabeth, Sean and his friend Ben, were riding rides. It rained from 4-6, so John and I ditched our plans for Kelley Island. Our riders were unfazed as they were under cover in the line for Maverick. Then, we received a dreadful text. Bryce's wallet went missing. They weren't sure if it disappeared on the ride or in the crush of the crowd departing the ride. They searched but came up dry.

While they were at the hotel desk requesting replacement tickets and room keys, I prayed that God would intervene and not just return the wallet, but return it intact. The wallet had Bryce and Elizabeth's driver's licenses (necessary for their flights home), a few credit cards, room keys, and cash inside. After a lovely dinner at TGIFriday's and a delicious treat at the ice cream shop in the hotel, Bryce, Elizabeth, John, and I retired early, while the boys went back to ride more.

On Saturday, the four-some had fast passes and John and I had regular entrance tickets. The Breakers provides early entrance, so we bee-lined for Valravn (one of my favorite coasters), where we lucked into front row seats (for a virtual experience, watch this YouTube video). 

Most of the day, John and I held phones while the others rode the rides, but it was nice to walk around with them (and we did ride the Ferris Wheel). 

Eventually, we made our way to Maverick, where an employee remembered finding the wallet with two TX licenses inside. They sent us to lost and found - the wallet was there and contained everything. Praise God!

John remained behind with the boys, while Bryce, Elizabeth and I drove home. By 10 the next morning, the dog was retrieved, Bryce and Elizabeth departed for the Indy 500, and I awaited the return of John and the boys. On Monday, we enjoyed a cook-out and 2 lengthy games of Purdueopoly (great fun!). Tuesday, Elizabeth returned to Houston and Wednesday morning, Bryce returned to Dallas. Their visit was far too short, but enjoyable nonetheless. 

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