Thursday, June 16, 2022

Book Review: Neither Here Nor There

This third installment from the audio set I purchased for a buck at Goodwill was not as satisfying as the other two. This time around, I was glad it was an abridged version. While the book maintained the usual level of humor, it ventured into crude territory to get there. The seedy underbelly of European cities might make things humorous, but at the expense of listeners who prefer clean reads. I set it aside but was without another audio book, so I reluctantly picked it up again. If I hadn't, I would have missed the sections devoted to Italy. I may have loved Rome, but based on Bryson's descriptions, I would enjoy other parts of that glorious country as well. His descriptions of Naples, Sorrento, and Capri were alluring, but I'm thrilled I dodged his experience of being pick-pocketed in Florence (I had heard that street thieves were relentless). One day, maybe, I'll get back to Italy and do a full-fledged tour.

Content Caution: 📒 - drugs, language, sex

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