Saturday, January 23, 2021

Will I Have Enough Resolve?

In December 2013, I posted about a marvelous purchase that has brought tremendous benefits over the years since. My treadmill was a godsend. Although I enjoy walking outdoors, my routine was always sporadic, diminished by cold or wet weather. The only time I remained disciplined was during the month of November when I needed the morning walk to process what I would write about for my National Novel Writing Month task. Once I had the treadmill, my routine solidified to walking 5 or 6 mornings each week.

Sadly, my brisk pace has slowed and my endurance flagged because of knee pain. Enter my newest purchase. I noticed an ad on NextDoor for an Exerpeutic recumbent bike (same brand as my faithful treadmill) for $100. The owner explained that after knee replacement surgery she intended to use it but seldom did (indeed, the accrued mileage was at 240 miles). 

I think my husband fears my intentions will go awry as well. We placed it next to the treadmill so I can still listen to my books on CD while working out. I told him my plan: As long as the knee pain isn't too debilitating, I will continue to walk between 20 and 40 minutes every morning. I will add bike time in the afternoons or evenings. So far, I've only managed 5 minutes increments. Groan. I hope to increase that to ten, fifteen, then twenty. Will my resolve for the bike be the same as for the treadmill? We shall see.

Of course, when spring comes I may want to take to the walking trail they positioned just across from our front meadow (indeed, they plowed through our grass and extended the trail a good 5 or 6 feet into what we thought was our property, but have since figured it must actually be along the accurate property line). 

My husband tells me they plan to curve the path and extend it along our meadow and woods.

One of these days, we'll have people walking directly across from our front door - oh joy! I doubt we'll be able to keep people from trespassing in our woods. So much for our little home oasis being isolated (see About Me).

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