For some reason, I spent a portion of my day today thinking about some material things and opportunities I don't have (I can promise, "materialistic" is not a word anyone who knows me would associate with me). But as I end this day, my mindset has shifted. I'm not sure what to attribute this to, except perhaps it was a God thing. Apart from the hour and a half I spent in line waiting to vote (and most of that time, my focus was on keeping YS from bothering others with his impatience, not really talking to others), I didn't really do anything besides taking care of my family.
Still, tonight as I read updates from several families that I pray for (Coleman Larson, who is not feeling great, but is still headed to NY to begin another round of treatment; Nicholas Delefice -sp? - who did a fantastic job swallowing his chemo pills despite often having difficulty with this; Janae, who is still at the beginning stages of her cancer battle [new address for her updates at]; my precious niece, Amelia, who looked so sweet in her costume), I have been thinking along the same lines as another blogger I read recently (sometimes I read so many of them that I can't remember where I read something or which location I made what reply to).
I'm realizing that even though my life is not perfect, my family is not perfect, my attitudes are not always perfect, my abilities as mother and wife are not always perfect, even still "the lines have fallen to me in fine places." Some blogger mentioned this verse of Scripture on their blog (perhaps it was MckMama, when I was reviewing older posts last night).
Here is the actual verse:
Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6
I believe it. God has given me so much to be grateful for. So, I am counting my blessings tonight. I'll also be kissing some of them in a few moments, when I head off to bed (although I may skip kissing ES, since he is all the way up in a loft bed, and besides, he might swat me away and say "Get off me freakin' kitty!").
Praying for you and ES.
What a powerful statement. I think your right. I have been so overwhelmed with Carson and all of his medical problems but I'm very blessed that with all the time I have taken off, my business is still able to keep a roof over my childrens head and food on the table. Thank you for pointing this out to me. I have had an exhausting week and this makes me realize that I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and be grateful that when Carson does wake up having nightmares or in pain, he is coming to me. And he is able to do that!
God bless and take care.
Your friend,
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